Bad Week for Democracy
Conservatives won in Canada and Hamas won in a landslide in Palestine. Next thing you know, California will recall a Governor they just elected and install an Austrian weightlifter...oh wait
Your one stop shop for all things anti-Schwarzenegger & keeping my left eye on the new Democratic congress.
Conservatives won in Canada and Hamas won in a landslide in Palestine. Next thing you know, California will recall a Governor they just elected and install an Austrian weightlifter...oh wait
Why do we even have a Governor? Yesterday, Arnold yet again refused to take a stand on a major issue, this time assisted suicide. He parroted his tired old line of "let the people decide".
Schwarzenegger delivered his annual State of the State address last night, and took the opportunity to unveil a massive public works plan to improve California's infrastructure. The proposal would cost an estimated $222 billion over 10 years and strive to fix our delapidated freeways and public buildings.