Sunday, January 28, 2007

Closing Up Shop

In the unlikely event anyone still reads this considering I haven't posted since November, I'm anouncing I'm closing up shop. Why? Well there are a couple reasons:

1. Gray Davis' term is over. Governor Davis' would have been out of office this January had the bloodless coup not occured. Outrage over the Republicans buying a do-over election spurred the creation of this blog.

2. Schwarzenegger isn't that bad anymore. He's basically lined up with the Democrats on nearly every issue. Legislative Republicans are outraged over his sensible global warming and health care policies, so he can't be too far off the mark.

3. I'm too jaded. Six years of the Bush administration have left me jaded beyond belief. I now assume most politicians are totally full of shit until I see evidence to the contrary. There are a few legit folks out there, but not enough to fire me up.

4. I'm too busy. Working as a corporate slave and attending graduate school consumes far too much of my time. In the few minutes I have to spare, I don't feel like scouring the internet for California political news. Its too hard to find, which is a sad commentary on our society.

With that, I bid you adieu.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Universal Healthcare - Arnold Style

Arnold wants to give all uninsured Californians health coverage...without raising taxes or employer mandates.

Riiiiiiight. Even a conservative Governor like Mitt Romney conceeded that you can't do it without employer mandates.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Nancy Loves John...Bleh

Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi has taken her first "leadership" position since the election and man is it boneheaded. She's endorsed John Murtha (PA) for Majority Leader over current whip Stenny Hoyer.

Up until he realized he was douped into supporting the war, Murtha was no friend of the Left (whom Ms. Pelosi is most certainly a member). He was a hawkish pork loving irrelevent back bencher from rural Pennsylvania with a conservative voting record. Why Pelosi and other liberals will set aside decades of conservative votes and sleaze because they feel the need to hide behind a vet on war issues is beyond me.

Wake up Nancy. You just got swept into office on a wave of anti-war sentiment. You don't need to hide behind the ethically challenged Murtha anymore.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Barbara Boxer Rules...the Environment Committee

If after reading this blog over the last year or so you're still unclear where my ideology is, its pretty damn close to Senator Barbara Boxer. I couldn't be more proud to have this woman representing California in the US Senate.

Anyway, my real reason for posting this is to spread the good news that Senator Boxer is in line to chair the Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works. This is a great relief considering the current chair, James Inhoffe, who believes global warming is a hoax and "alarmist computer models" are a bigger threat than the warming itself. He may or may not believe the sun revolves around the earth too, I haven't been able to confirm.

Senator Boxer has pledged to address CO2 emissions now that Inhoffe isn't standing in the way.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A steaming pile of Angelides...

Well congrats Phil, you suffered a 16 point loss to a guy who can't pronounce the name of the state. God you suck.

In other news...Jerry Brown won his race for Attorney General. Even better news...he's still technically eligible for two more terms as Governor.

The only down ballot loss for the Democrats appears to be Cruz Bustamante. He lost a lot of weight though.

The Dems won big nationwide and all I have to say is its about time America. Six years of incompetence from Bush and the Republican Congress finally caught up to them. Speaker Pelosi has a nice ring to it...

You can get all the state returns here.

One thing you'll notice is voters in this state only love debt ($40+ billion in bonds pass) but hate taxes ($50 parcel tax, cigarette tax, and oil tax fail). I wonder if they realize you have to pay bonds back...

Friday, November 03, 2006

The OC Weekly Rules

So here in Orange County we have the fascist Orange County Register and the "alternative" paper published by the liberal minority, the OC Weekly. While its full of porn ads, there are some interesting and well written articles about the bizarre political situation here behind the Orange Curtain.

Anyway, their endorsement of Cruz Bustamante for Insurance Commissioner is classic:

Insurance Commissioner: Cruz Bustamante
Cruz Bustamante may be the single most useless person in the state of California, and we honestly don’t know why the Democrats still keep nominating him to shit. However, anyone who votes for a Republican to oversee the insurance industry gets what he deserves, and by “deserves,” we mean “Chuck Quackenbush.” Remember him? And remember how the GOP was just shocked—shocked!—to find out he was taking money from the insurance companies he oversaw (and whom he’d let slide on their obligations to homeowners following the Northridge Quake)? And that he was putting that money into a big happy slush fund he used for trips to Hawaii, or something? Where he then moved? According to the San Diego Reader, he’s now a sheriff’s deputy in Florida. Awesome. So, vote for Useless for Insurance Commissioner. After all, he has lost a bunch of weight!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Since I've already voted...

I might as well reluctantly endorse the guy I voted for to be our next Governor.

Nothing like a reluctant lesser of two evils vote to get you excited about the process eh?