Friday, November 03, 2006

The OC Weekly Rules

So here in Orange County we have the fascist Orange County Register and the "alternative" paper published by the liberal minority, the OC Weekly. While its full of porn ads, there are some interesting and well written articles about the bizarre political situation here behind the Orange Curtain.

Anyway, their endorsement of Cruz Bustamante for Insurance Commissioner is classic:

Insurance Commissioner: Cruz Bustamante
Cruz Bustamante may be the single most useless person in the state of California, and we honestly don’t know why the Democrats still keep nominating him to shit. However, anyone who votes for a Republican to oversee the insurance industry gets what he deserves, and by “deserves,” we mean “Chuck Quackenbush.” Remember him? And remember how the GOP was just shocked—shocked!—to find out he was taking money from the insurance companies he oversaw (and whom he’d let slide on their obligations to homeowners following the Northridge Quake)? And that he was putting that money into a big happy slush fund he used for trips to Hawaii, or something? Where he then moved? According to the San Diego Reader, he’s now a sheriff’s deputy in Florida. Awesome. So, vote for Useless for Insurance Commissioner. After all, he has lost a bunch of weight!


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