Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Arnold, The Bonnie Garcia Minstrel Show, and the Angelides "Strategery"

I've avoided this issue like the plague because its ridiculous, but its reached a level of stupidity now that I can no longer ignore. A tape surfaced of a private meeting between Schwarzenegger and his Chief of Staff where some remarks were made about the crappy Republican leadership in the Assembly and latins being "hot blooded". Dumb and not PC? Sure. A scandal? Not even close.

Enter Bonnie Garcia, Assemblywoman from Palm Desert. Like a good sport, she immediately went into minstrel show mode and played right into it: "Very often I tell him, 'Look, I am a hot-blooded Latina.' I label myself a hot-blooded Latina that is very passionate about the issues..." Whatever Bonnie, you can take the sombrero off and send the mariachis home now. We get it, you're latin.

Oh but it gets dumber! Turns out the Angelides campaign stole and leaked the tape. What the hell are you thinking over there? About the only way Angelides could look more desperate would be if he started offering a cash reward for votes.

There it is. Arnold said something dumb, Bonnie Garcia wore blackface, and Phil Angelides looked like an asshole down by double digits in the campaign grasping for any pathetic piece of dirt he could find.


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