Friday, May 26, 2006

Sorry, You Can't Make Driving Totally Safe

The lege has passed yet another nanny-measure, this time its the Senate passing a ban on hand held cell phones while driving. There would be a $50 fine for anyone caught.

I guess the sentiment is good, but its yet another bad bill. You simply can't force people to pay attention to the road. If you want to ban hand held cell phones to save lives on the road, then you better get around to banning talking on a hands free cell phone, eating, the radio, talking to passengers, billboards, good looking women walking down the street, animals, and any other conceivable distraction you can think of.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Photo-op 101

Hey Arnold,

Next time you want to tout a bond measure designed to reduce traffic congestion, don't cause a traffic jam.

Rob Reiner's Pre-school Mafia

Suporters of Rob Reiner's pre-school initiative Prop 82 are threatening a boycott of corporations who oppose the measure like The Gap. Where will soccer moms get their capri pants now?

I voted (God bless permanent absentee status) no on the initiative, so I guess Meathead's Mafia will boycott this blog too.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Nanny 911 Legislature to the Rescue

Bored with tackling real issues like skyrocketing college tuition and the annual patchwork budget, California's Nanny 911 legislature has turned its attention once again to meddling in your life. Assembly Member Noreen Evans has sponsored a bill that would banish kids under the age of 13 to the back seat and require kids as old as 8 to use a car seat. Aside from traumatizing an 8 year old by making him or her use a car seat, its none of the state's god damned business where kids sit in the car. I have to agree with Republican Bob Huff of Diamond Bar who had this brilliant quip: "We could ban kids from cars altogether and reduce their car-related deaths."

Profile of Jerry Brown

Nice profile of California's next Attorney General, Jerry Brown.