Friday, September 30, 2005

Minimum Wage Bad, "Redskins" Good

As the October 9th deadline to sign or veto bills approaches, the "Governator" is vetoing everything in site. Though the mountain of bills vetoed by Arnold at the behest of the California Chamber of Commerce, a special interest group so dedicated to the "free" market it would make Adam Smith cringe, is staggering, this week's veto of the minimum wage hike stands out.

Arnold apparently thinks its OK for folks to make $6 an hour when a 1 room apartment in a California city is $1000 or more. Apparently its OK when a gallon of gas is close to three dollars. Apparently its OK as long as your big business friends say it is.

Another bill vetoed by Arnold would have banned the use of "Redskins" as a team name. While I have no problem with native american names or mascots being used by schools (Go Aztecs), "Redskins" is a racial slur.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Please Don't Warren...

Seriously California, isn't one actor pretending to be the Governor enough? After a rousing speach to enraged nurses, the state is abuzz with the prospect of
Warren Beatty for Governor.

Count me out.

Look Warren, you're a fine actor (lets forget Ishtar and your insane sister for now) but you aren't a politician. You simply aren't qualified. Bulworth was great, but we don't really need to see it in real life.

And while we're on the subject, we don't want Governor Meathead either.

Friday, September 16, 2005

"Its a five year job"

Schwarzenegger aide Todd Harris leaked that his boss would announce his re-election plans today, he also leaked that he is totally unfamiliar with how long the Governor of California's term is.

In the AP report, Harris, the campaign spokesman, is quoted as saying "It's not a 24-month job, it's a five-year job and he intends to see it through to the end."

California's Governor can be elected to two four year terms, so no its not a 24 month job. If it was, the Golden State would mercifully be coming to the end of Arnold's reign of incompetence. If its a five year job, Arnold's campaign spokesman is telling us the "Governator" plans on resigning two years into his second term, on the off chance he actually got re-elected.

Of course, its more likely that the folks surrounding Arnold simply don't have a clue what they're talking about.

Arnold OK's Soda Ban

Arnold joined the state legislature in their latest attempt to be California's nanny Thursday when he OK'd a bill that would impose strict nutritional guidelines and ban soda in California schools by 2009.

The bill was introduced by fitness icon Sen. Martha Escutia in an effort to curb childhood obesity.

Maybe if Arnold would pay back the money he borrowed from our schools, we could actually teach California's kids about healthy living instead of relying on big brother bandaid measures like this monstrosity.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Run Forest Run

Will he or won't he? Furthermore, does it even matter? All ten registered Republicans left in California are on pins and needles tonight waiting to hear if the "Governator" will run for re-election. At a town hall meeting last night, where suspiciously enough all the townsfolk seemed to be Arnold supporters, he
hinted that he may run again.

Of course, we here at Recall Arnold Schwarzenegger know the only real question is whether Arnold or some other poor hapless Republican gets to lose to Phil Angelides in 2006.

Friday, September 02, 2005

57% - Call off the Special Election

57% of Californians polled are telling Arnold to call off the special election. The number climbs to a staggering 63% when those polled were told of the estimated $50 million price tag.

Arnold's support for the Minuteman vigilante group is coming home to roost too, only 20% of Latino's now approve of the "Governator" - down from 50% last year.

Arnold won't hear of it though, its full speed ahead with this doomed election.