Friday, September 16, 2005

"Its a five year job"

Schwarzenegger aide Todd Harris leaked that his boss would announce his re-election plans today, he also leaked that he is totally unfamiliar with how long the Governor of California's term is.

In the AP report, Harris, the campaign spokesman, is quoted as saying "It's not a 24-month job, it's a five-year job and he intends to see it through to the end."

California's Governor can be elected to two four year terms, so no its not a 24 month job. If it was, the Golden State would mercifully be coming to the end of Arnold's reign of incompetence. If its a five year job, Arnold's campaign spokesman is telling us the "Governator" plans on resigning two years into his second term, on the off chance he actually got re-elected.

Of course, its more likely that the folks surrounding Arnold simply don't have a clue what they're talking about.


At 16/9/05 15:37, Blogger Governor X said...


Arnold confirmed what his aide already leaked, he's running in spite of approval ratings in the low 30s


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