Wednesday, March 30, 2005

How the Grinch Stole 2 Holidays

While Drudge is disgusting the world with photos of our over the hill weighlifter pseudo-Governor on a Hawaiian beach and Arnold is facing a possible libel suit in Britain, his minions are hard at work here in the late great Golden State trying to steal two paid holidays from state workers. In Schwarzenegger's latest draconian budget cuts, 200,000 state employees face the loss of any two paid holidays but Christmas. Arnold can look forward to furious labor unions already upset about his attempts to privatize CALPERS (one of the most efficient retirement systems in the country) and a notion of furloughing workers for up to five days per year.

With great PR moves like taking holidays away, Schwarzenegger's team felt bold enough to threaten Democratic legislators again today. To their credit, the Dems aren't bowing to the pressure this time. They believe with slumping poll numbers and unpopular ballot initiatives, even if Arnold gets his special election he is likely to face an uphill battle convincing Californians he has their best interests at heart.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Stealing from Grandma

Add the elderly to the Tolstoy-ishly long enemies list the "Governator" is creating. Last week Arnold tried to push through emergency provisions that would allow the state to seize the assets of low income elderly when they die in a heartless attempt to recoup Medi-Cal costs.

Tell Granny to watch her purse, Arnold is coming for her...

Since the elderly actually vote, we at Recall Arnold Schwarzenegger can't wait to see the brigades of old folks slowly marching to the polls to kick Arnold's ass to the curb in 2006...

Monday, March 21, 2005

Money Talks...

The California Teacher's Association plans to ask their members for an additional $180 over the next three years in union dues to combat Arnold's absurd budget schemes which threaten to decimate California schools.

California teachers are once again going to have to pay out of their own pocket to educate your children and the "Governator" wants to cut back even further. Simply disgraceful...

Friday, March 18, 2005

Fraudulent Dem #1: Bill Lockyer

From time to time we will identify prominent Democrats that supported the ill-conceived and childish recall of Governor Gray Davis that installed Arnold in the first place. The first of these fraudulent Dems is Attorney General Bill Lockyer, as evidenced by this quote that appeared in Thursday's San Francisco Chronicle:

"(Arnold Schwarzenegger) is the first Republican I ever voted for ... I thought I was doing what made sense."

Any praise we heaped on Lockyer for anti-Schwarzenegger comments is now officially retracted. Its clear he's only a political opportunist in search of a new job. Shame Mr. Lockyer, shame...

AWOL Arnold

Ten weeks after threatening to circumvent the state legislature if they dont work with him, a review of Schwarzenegger's daily schedules prepared by his OWN press office reveals that Arnold has spent just 18 days in Sacramento. Awfully hard to work with state elected officials if you're off eating chicken at a Riverside Chili's or embarassing the state by hosting a body building competition in Ohio.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Buzzards Begin to Circle

The sharks smell blood in the water...insert tired animal cliche here...any way you look at it, the anti-Schwarzenegger forces have finally decided to stand up to the "Governator".

Yesterday, State Treasurer Phil Angelides became the first Democrat to officially announce his candidacy for Governor. While relatively unknown, Angelides does have a 12-1 money advantage over Schwarzenegger at this early stage in the race ($12.5 million to $1). The fact that he can pronounce CALIFORNIA correctly is enough for us, so check out his site here.

On the other side of the country, State Attorney General and rumored Gubernatorial aspirant Bill Lockyer raised eybrows by suggesting Arnold's leadership style reeked of Austrian politics. Lockyer was asked the obvious question of whether this was backhanded way of calling Arnold a Nazi, and suggested he may have in fact been comparing him to an Astro-Hungarian emperor...Way to go Bill, as soon as you have a website up, you've earned a link.

Aside from those who want to take his job away, Arnold is also facing increasingly vocal opposition to his bird brained policy proposals. Among others, nurses, firefighters, and teachers are all lining up and making themselves be heard. One thousand protestors are expected at what was supposed to be a quiet Los Angeles fundraiser tonight.

Meanwhile, back in Sacramento, Schwarzenegger got sued! A political watchdog group has sued Arnold for violating campaign finance laws. Godspeed to these heroes.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Just a Reminder...

OK, so Arnold has been quiet for a few days, but we still don't like him so we feel the need to post something. Even if you're one of the sickos who likes his childish approach to state government, surely even you can agree this little incident was totally uncalled for.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Rise of the Political Machines

Arnold may think battling self-aware machines in Terminator 3 prepared him for the Governor's office, but he is sadly mistaken. New and more deadly machines than anything SKYNET could conjure have set their sights squarely on the "Governator": political machines.

On Thursday, 500 teachers, students, and parents appeared at a rally in Ventura led by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell opposing Schwarzenegger's slash and burn budget. During last year's budget crisis, public education leaders agreed to forgo $2 billion in funds guaranteed to them under Prop 98 under the sole condition that it not happen again. This year, Arnold has comepletely broke his promise to California's children by witholding an additional $2.3 billion of guaranteed funds. Parents and educators are understandably a bit peeved...

Earlier in the week, the state arm of Howard Dean's Democracy for America organization declared political war on Arnolds proposed special election. Through the web and mobile technology, 9000 California for Democracy supporters will be kept in the know as to where Arnold's paid signature gathering monkeys will be camping out. Like a bolt of lightning, an army of anti-Arnold activists will descend on the location, passing out leaflets to counter Arnold's disinformation campaign and inform the public of the staggering cost of staging a special election out of childish petulance.

GOVERNOR'S DECLARATION: This past week has been hellish, we'll start regular updates again next week.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Roid Rage Fridays!

The "Governator", still fleeing the political realities of Sacramento, will take a break from hopscotching around California hitting up every Applebees, Red Robin, and Chili's in sight, and go to Ohio to further embarass our state by hosting a body building competition.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, the pressure is on for Arnold to take a firmer stand against steroid abuse. Just last year, Arnold vetoed a bill by State Senator Jackie Speier that would have banned performance enhancing substances from California high school athletics.

Of course, while he doesn't seem to have time to take a stand against steroid abuse, Arnold has plenty of time to take a stand against penis enlargement ads in magazines. Lets all thank Arnold for cutting this crisis off at the knees...of course, now Californians must worry about gangs of roid monster teenagers demanding dick pills.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Arnold stamps his feet, runs to Applebees

Yesterday, like a frustrated five year old who didn't get his way, Arnold fled the capitol and ran off to a local Sacramento Applebees after his latest tiff with real elected officials. What was the problem? It seems the Democrats in the legislature won't act on his crackpot schemes because they prefer actual proposals rather than vague notes scribbled on the back of napkins. Once again, Arnold has vowed to bypass the people who might actually know something about state government and take his case to the starstruck rubes who put his sorry ass in office. God help us all...

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Arnold joins the propaganda business

The friendly staff here at Recall Arnold Schwarzenegger knew it wouldn't be long before the "Governator" put his questionable acting skills to work at duping the public into suporting his latest bird brained scheme and once again, we've been proven correct. Schwarzenegger has now released a video to convince the people to support his plan to strip low wage workers of their right to lunch breaks. West Hollywood Assemblymember and Chair of the Assembly Labor Committee Paul Koretz has accurately dubbed the video propaganda and asked Attorney General Bill Lockyer to look into the matter and see if any laws have been violated.