California's Next Governor: Steve Westly

California's next Governor should be State Controller Steve Westly.
As the race began, I had my doubts about both candidates. Angelides was a party insider and former developer, and Westly had a reputation as being a little too moderate. After several months of the campaign, its clear my perception of Angelides was correct, but there was a lot more to Steve Westly. What initially appeared to be political moderation was simply pragmatism. There is no doubt now that Steve is a genuine progressive, but is also determined to get things done to make California a better place.
What sealed the deal for me was hearing Westly speak and having the opportunity to meet him at a campaign event in Long Beach. Having followed politics closely for many years and having worked in the State Capitol, I've developed what I feel is a pretty good feel for who is in the game for personal gain and who is in it to really make things better for the people. Steve Westly is the real deal. This guy believes what he says and will back it up with action. California needs a man like Westly in the Governor's office.
I don't want to bash Phil Angelides. I'm sure he's a decent guy and would sure as hell make a better Governor than Arnold, but he just won't be able to get much done, if he could somehow manage to beat Scwarzenegger which is doubtful. The party has endorsed him, as has most of the congressional delegation, but I can't help but think this is a repeat of the Democrats lining up behind John Kerry in 2004. We all know how well that turned out. These endorsements are meaningless of course. The public will make up its own mind, and they're leaning towards Westly. According to an LA Times poll out today Westly holds a 13% lead over Anglides in the primary and a 9% lead over Schwarzenegger in the general.
I encourage you all to visit Steve Westly's website and learn more about him and his campaign. Be sure to check out the Rally CA blog while you're there. It will keep you updated on where and when you can see Steve in Action.