Friday, August 26, 2005

Blackouts Roll Over Arnold

Before he left office in 1999, former Governor Pete Wilson (seen here taking a break from demonizing Latinos) left the big steaming pile we call energy deregulation on California's lawn. The plan's full effect was felt by poor Governor Gray Davis when high prices and rolling blackouts plagued the state.

Our new pseudo-Governor Schwarzenegger fueled his bloodless coup partly with outrage over Davis' handling of the situation, and in spite of the fact the energy crisis was driven by Wilson's law and the Cheney Administration's refusal to stop out of state price gouging, the public bought it.

Times change and unqualified actors steal the Governor's office, but energy deregulation is still rotting out on our lawn. Arnold's floundering administration got hit with its first wave of rolling blackouts yesterday. Temperatures soared in the afternoon and half a million Southern Californians were briefly without power. Lets hope most of them were Arnold voters.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Californians Not Buying It

If one can draw an anology between California politics and the Terminator movies (as the "Governator" so often does), the upcoming special election is like T3. Arnold would reprise his role as the hapless, obsolete, and hopelessly overmatched T1 (though slightly fatter and more plastic looking than he was in 1984) and the public would be the T-X, the advanced shapeshifting Terminator that beats the living snot out of Arnold every chance it gets.

A new poll suggests special election night won't be fun for Arnold. The pseudo-Governor is backing three initiatives, all three of which fail to garner 50% of the vote...two look like they will be beaten badly. In the same poll, Arnold's job approval ratings continue to hover below 40% as well.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Boycott Target

California seniors are being urged to boycott Target because the mega-corporation has given $300,000 to Schwarzenegger's political causes, including $100,000 to qualify initiatives for the upcoming special election.

Recall Arnold Schwarzenegger urges all Californians to join in the boycott of Target. Spending your money at Target is as good as lining Arnold's pockets.

Click here to find a KMart or Walmart in your area...or better yet, find a local mom & pop establishment to shop at.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Our Exiled Governor Weighs In

California's legitimately elected Governor Gray Davis, living in exile in West Los Angeles since the bloodless coup that ousted him, weighed in on Arnold's special election measures. While Governor Davis supports the idea of redistricting authority being taken from the legislature, he opposes the haste with which Arnold is pushing it. Arnold's proposition, currently booted off the ballot, would redraw district lines in 2006 rather than after the next census as it has been historically done. Governor Davis vehemently opposes each of the other ballot measures brought forward by Schwarzenegger.