Schwarzenegger Renounces His Prop 187 Support
In a shameless, but smart, election year move, Schwarzenegger told a spanish language newspaper that his vote for Prop 187 in 1994 was a mistake. He also offered a "my bad" with regard to his statements praising the Minuteman border vigilantes.
Naturally the one issue voters on the anti-immigrant fringe are upset. Too bad. Anything other than "deport them all" is going to get these nuts foaming at the mouth.
Of course, Angelides could counter with nothing but an insipid soundbyte:
"For nearly 12 years, Arnold Schwarzenegger stood squarely behind Proposition 187 on this divisive measure that pitted Californian against Californian," Angelides said in a statement. "Now, the same governor who praises the Minutemen is attempting yet another election year conversion."
Every word of that statement is true, yet somehow when it comes out of Angelides it just sounds whiney and feckless. What the hell was going through their heads at Democratic Party when they decided to endorse this guy?