Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Schwarzenegger Renounces His Prop 187 Support

In a shameless, but smart, election year move, Schwarzenegger told a spanish language newspaper that his vote for Prop 187 in 1994 was a mistake. He also offered a "my bad" with regard to his statements praising the Minuteman border vigilantes.

Naturally the one issue voters on the anti-immigrant fringe are upset. Too bad. Anything other than "deport them all" is going to get these nuts foaming at the mouth.

Of course, Angelides could counter with nothing but an insipid soundbyte:

"For nearly 12 years, Arnold Schwarzenegger stood squarely behind Proposition 187 on this divisive measure that pitted Californian against Californian," Angelides said in a statement. "Now, the same governor who praises the Minutemen is attempting yet another election year conversion."

Every word of that statement is true, yet somehow when it comes out of Angelides it just sounds whiney and feckless. What the hell was going through their heads at Democratic Party when they decided to endorse this guy?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Another Poll Shows Angelides Leading

Rasmussen has Angelides up by 2%. Will the pro-Schwarzenegger media cover this one? Don't hold your breath.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Life in Exile

Well, its only fitting that the 100th post on this blog is about Governor Gray Davis. Apparently the last man to win a California Governor's race NOT bought and paid for by car-thief/Congressman Darrel Issa is
enjoying his new life. Best of luck to the former Governor who has been far more gentlemanly towards those who engineered the bloodless coup of 2003 than I could have been.

The best part of the article? It seems Governor Davis has eaten the same thing for lunch for the past 32 years: a turkey sandwich with mustard and a bag of veggies. Just the sort of consistency you would expect from a guy named Gray.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The race is tied...45% a piece

Considering we've done nothing but attack Phil Angelides as a loser since the primary, we're surprised as anyone that he's managed to tie the "Governator" - albeit with a less than inspiring 45% of likely voters.

Of course, you won't know this by paying attention to most of the media which is unapologetically pro-Schwarzenegger. Most of the state papers have completely ignored the Zogby poll mentioned above, which samples likely voters in favor of this poll that sampled "adults" and showed Schwarzenegger leading comfortably. Why would anyone care what candidate people who aren't "likely voters" prefer? Well, one reason would be if you wanted to put out some pro-Schwarzenegger spin.

Since the media more or less gave up reporting news in favor of "infotainment" a long time ago, you can't really be surprised they favor Schwarzenegger. He's a trainwreck & trainwrecks generate ratings. Angelides on the other hand is the typical boring asshole the Democrats always nominate in the mold of my namesake - Governor Davis, John Kerry, Harry Reid, etc... Schwarzenegger can't help but make a spectacle of himself and that's all the media in this state is interested in.