Jingle All the Way

Phil Angelides our next Governor, and dedicate our precious time and energy to keep anyone else who starred in Jingle All the Way from winning elective office.
Your one stop shop for all things anti-Schwarzenegger & keeping my left eye on the new Democratic congress.
I'd like to thank the Governor-Elect-to-be Phil Angelides for the christmas card that arrived today.
Arnold's hometown of Graz, Austria has voted to remove his name from the soccer stadium there in response to Arnold's support for the death penalty.
Great little flash movie featuring Bill O'Reilly in a trash can courtesy of the Angelides campaign, via loyal Recall Arnold Schwarzenegger reader Rob.
A large statewide Republican group has asked the CAGOP to withdraw their endorsement of the "Governator" over the hiring of a Democrat as chief of staff.
The California Republican Party is getting back to what their good at, destroying themselves from within. A couple weeks ago, Schwarzenegger, still reeling from an embarassing election defeat, took a step back toward the political center by hiring a former Gray Davis cabinet minister as his new Chief of Staff. It seemed as though the Pete Wilson retreads' reign of terror was over in the Governor's office.