Prop 73's Hidden Agenda
We knew all along backers of Prop 73 are trying to legislate family relationships, but if you look closer you'll see they have an anti-choice agenda hidden behind their "pro-family" rhetoric.
As you should know by now, the idea of Prop 73 is to require parental notification prior to a minor undergoing an abortion procedure. We here are Recall Arnold Schwarzenegger have opposed the measure from day one, arguing any young girl who can talk to her parents about such things probably already will. Teenagers who can't talk to their parents will be forced to resort to unsafe measures if the proposition passes.
A closer look reveals there's more to the prop though. The proposition would also provide a public "judicial scorecard" citing any decision by judge to override the parental notification requirement. The fanatics who like to kill doctors who perform abortions might just move on to judges if they have an easy listing of them.
More disturbingly, the proposition would define abortion as "the death of the unborn child, a child conceived but not yet born." This gives the anti-choice crowd a big foot in the door. Current state law defines abortion as "medical treatment intended to induce the termination of a pregnancy." The new terminology could cause major problems for women if Roe vs Wade is overturned, and with this President, that may just be possible.
Vote NO on 73.
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