You have chosen...poorly

The King of Sprawl, Phil Angelides, narrowly defeated our pick, Steve Westly, for the gubernatorial nomination. Angelides will now run a campaign based on a tax hike. Always a good move...ask President Mondale. I certainly hope we haven't seen the last of Steve Westly.
Lt. Governor won't be much better. John Garamendi, the Rasputin of California politics, rallyed to defeat State Senator Jackie Speier. He will face Republican Tom McClintock in November. McClintock is about as far out in right field as you can get in this state, but he is formidable because is also one of the smartest people you'll ever run into. This guy knows his stuff.
It wasn't all bad though. Former Governor Jerry Brown trounced Rocky Delgadillo for the Attorney General nomination & Debra Bowen crushed Senator Soda-tax (Deborah Ortiz) for Secretary of State. Both propositions went down to defeat as well.
More on this after we can view the official results
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